Is College Worth It?

Love to Learn? Is College Worth It? Having a good mentor is essential to finding the right path. Training comes in all packages. This question seems to be the question for teenagers embarking on their transition into adulthood. But life has many transitions and changes. We don’t alway know what decision will be a good fit until we try it out.

is college worth it

If your dream is to be in the medical, educational or technical field where a license is required, college is essential. There are other fields that require vocational certificate and training like mechanics, welding and plumbing. We honor all those fields necessary for a modern society!

Is College Worth It?

Most of us want to have a good job to do the things we want to do. Learning and knowledge is at our fingertips with the advent of the internet. So being burdened with college loans and costs may not b the best way to learn.

Meghan McNulty, attorney, political commentator, and biomedical engineer, states:

“With college costs sky-high, mastering a skill, passion or trade while others are going into $200,000+ in debt attending college can give young adults a head start on wealth creation and life.

Non-college graduates have plenty of opportunities, including many tech jobs available with good salaries that are not being filled. It was recently reported that AI could do more harm to college graduate required jobs than those jobs that do not require a college degree, as mastering a skill or trade can be extremely lucrative as the workforce is lacking experts in certain trades and skill sets…

College degrees don’t give you real skills to be successful, only life does. Having real life work experiences can be even more valuable than a college degree.”- 

Meghan McNulty, “Why College May No Longer Be Financially Worth It,”, Nov. 26, 2019

College May Not Be for Everyone

What resources for you have? Your community is your network to find better opportunities. Searching and being aware of the businesses in your town and state.

is college worth it

Dream! Allow yourself to wonder and day-dream about how you would like to spend your day! Inside or outside? Project oriented or routine work? city or rural? home or office? Work independently or with a group? Like to lead or feel better following directions?

then think of the areas and things that you love!

Finding a Mentor

People who are very successful in their fields say they had a mentor or someone who could help them forage through the path they wanted to go. One such mentor and trainer is Rory Ricord of Performance Blogging System. He used his decades in the marketing field to develop a replicable affiliate and content writing system to share with you! No college needed!

A Heart to Learn

All you need to bring to life is curiosity and a heart to learn. Success fill be the fruit of your labors. Yes, there is labor in everything that is worth doing! but when you love what you do, then are you working?

Costs? Get going for as little as $37.

Yes, it’s true! You get what you give out in effort and tenacity, not in costs.

It gets better… you’ll get a full 60 DAYS or your $37 back!

Be enriched- grow and learn here at Blue Whale Community! check out this amazing opportunity to make an new life and a new lifestyle1 With multiple streams of income, you will be building a legacy that will give you the freedom to do whatever other dreams you want to experience!


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